Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ironic Day – Breech baby!

So I had a midwife appointment today. I was concerned about the scar tissue and the suturing technique used for my first cesarean. Well, everything looked perfect with me and the baby. My BP was 120/70. I had no protein. I am measuring at 34 ½ weeks. Baby is around 6 or 7 lbs (6 lbs 13 oz per ultrasound). But I was concerned about the position of the baby. The midwife couldn’t tell definitively so she sent me for an ultrasound. The scar tissue will not pose a problem for the placenta and a double suture was used. However, baby is breech. Needless to say I spent much of the afternoon crying about this. It is SO ironic that I have done EVERYTHING to prevent cesarean and still, if the baby doesn’t turn, I will need to have another one. The plan is to get the baby to turn through various at home techniques and also chiropractic care (Webster technique) and acupuncture. Other techniques on Spinning Babies  and Covenant Birth Center - Turning a Breech Baby

I am very sick of people telling me, today, “Healthy mom and baby are all that matter, right” and acting like this is no big deal. Well guess what? It is a very big deal to me. I feel like why did I bother doing all this (all the prep and this stupid diet and everything I have done to prevent cesarean and early delivery) just to end up with a cesarean again. Right now I have to focus on turning the baby. If I have the baby turned by some deadline I can stay with the midwives. If I don’t, they will transfer me to an OB and it won’t even matter at that point – I will be stuck with an OB even if the baby turns. I don’t want an OB because they are less patient and cesarean rates are higher etc. I likely won’t get the birth I want even if the baby is turned head down. If the baby doesn’t turn at all my options are home birth or cesarean. And most home birth practitioners won’t do VBAC breech deliveries and even if they did, are booked already. There are a few OBs who do Breech deliveries, but hospital protocols probably prohibit VBAC breech deliveries. I feel like my only hope for a vaginal delivery is to get this baby to turn. And Tim doesn’t want any more kids so this is probably my last chance! No one – NO ONE! understands how much this means to me, or how devastated I will be if I don’t get to have labor on my own. I’m about ready to say I’ll just do it unassisted at home. If I ever had labor before, I probably would.

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