Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Week 22!

Week 22: June 22, 2012
142 lbs, Bust 35 ½, Waist 36 ½, Hips 39 ½
I had my second ultrasound this week – my baby is measuring perfect and the ultrasound shows no abnormalities…a very healthy baby!  The baby is 1lb 1oz approximately and that is good.  “Normal” for 22 weeks is ½ - 1 lb.  It must be all the protein I have been eating.  I also reluctantly signed the VBAC consent, after finding out Gaylea could labor at home with me.  I told the midwife and she said “well, we recommend you come to the hospital AT active labor, but we can’t tell you what to do”…I think she said that because she has to…it is good to have midwives as an option in a hospital setting and without the right words being said, consents being signed and protocols followed, that wouldn’t be possible because of all the misinformation regarding “natural birth” and the push for highly medicalized birthing!  Did you know that despite all the medical interventions (which are supposedly helpful, and best for baby and mother, the US has one of the highest infant mortality rates (even than many third world countries).
This week I met 2 girls who have had 2 successful VBACs each (with Gaylea!).  That gives me a LOT of hope and confidence and I am starting to have a lot more faith!

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